Exercise 1- Why Communication is Important
Exercise 2- Shared Meaning in Communication
Exercise 3– Good communication in a Relationship
Exercise 4– Benefits of Good Communication in a Relationship
Exercise 1- How to communicate effectively
Exercise 2- Tools to build a Successful Relationship
Exercise 3- Improving Communication in a Relationship
Exercise 1- Barriers to Communication
Exercise 2- How to Overcome Barriers
Exercise 1- Hearing vs Listening
Exercise 2- Definition
Exercise 3- Motives for Listening
Exercise 4- Benefits of Listening
Exercise 5- Barriers to Listening
Exercise 6- Overcoming Obstacles to Listening
Exercise 1- Pitfalls to Avoid in Communication
Exercise 1- Communicating to a Man
Exercise 2 – Communicating to a Woman
Exercise 1- Introduction
Exercise 2- Cholerics
Exercise 3- Sanguines
Exercise 4- Phlegmatics
Exercise 5- Melancholics
To enable couples, disseminate information in ways that their partners would appreciate and understand them
To facilitate connections and intimacy between couples by helping them understand the place of timing, attitude and temperaments in communication.
To learn how to communicate effectively so as to avoid needless arguments that occurs regularly in relationships as a result of poor communication.
To be able to understanding the underlying cause of fear in communication in a relationship
Introduction (The Power of Communication)
The word “Communication” comes from the Latin word which essentially means “to share.” The idea of sharing in this definition clearly shows that communication cannot be a one-way thing. It must be at least two-way street between a sender and receiver who intermittently switch roles due to their understanding of each other.
The process of communication not only helps people to share information, but also build mental and emotional pathways that become the platform for sharing effectively in the future. In general, communication is the platform for connecting people.
Exercise 1- Why Communication is important
Exercise 2- Shared Meaning in Communication
Exercise 3 – Good communication in a Relationship
Exercise 4 – Benefits of Good Communication in a Relationship
Exercise 1- How to communicate Effectively
Everyone in a relationship brings his or her own vocabulary to the relationship. Unless definitions are clarified, the words that partners speak to each other cannot be understood. A message shared between you and your significant other can be easily misinterpreted, depending on how it is worded or even simply because it is incorrectly received by your partner.
Sometimes even a written message gets messed up. When two people in a relationship are communicating, there is more than just one layer of messaging. There are actually about seven, and this is where the problem usually lies.
Now turning to your partner,
This is what the often-complicated process of communication looks like. It is here that a lot of information is often lost and misinformation takes place. If you’re going to surmount this obstacle in your relationship, you must see communication as the process of sharing yourself verbally and nonverbally with your partner in such a way that both of you understand and accept what you say. Acceptance doesn’t mean agreement; but the listener can accept that what is said your perspective on the issue at hand – the way you believe or feel about something.
This would require that you understand the power of words and use it very cautiously. Words have never been cheap; they can either build up or destroy. People who underestimate the power of their words tend to cause more havoc than good with them.
Exercise 2 – Tools to build a Successful Relationship
Carefully consider the following if you want to use words as tools to build a successful relationship.
All couples have complaints to voice from time to time. That’s normal. Complaints, however, can be voiced in a way that a partner will hear them and not become defensive. For example, instead of focusing upon what annoys you, talk more about what you would appreciate your partner doing. Your partner will be much more likely to hear you and consider your request. Talking about what you don’t like just reinforces the possibility of its continuance with even greater intensity. The principle of pointing your partner toward what you would like conveys that you believe he or she is capable of doing what you have requested. If you do this consistently, along with giving praise and appreciation when your spouse complies, you will see a change. This way of relating to your spouse accomplishes much more than criticism.
Exercise 3- Improving Communication in a Relationship
Here are a few ways you can immediately improve your communication with the person you’re in a relationship with;
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the effectiveness of your communication in your relationship. (Do this with your partner)
Discuss this exercise with your spouse and list the areas you both believe you can improve your communication with each other.
Exercise 1- Barriers to Communication
Here are a few barriers that you must overcome in order to communicate effectively with your partner.
(Group Discussion)
Exercise 2- How to Overcome Barriers
The barriers we just identified in this exercise don’t have to pass a death sentence over your relationship with your significant other. They can be surmounted by doing the following things;
Find the right time; quite often, when something is bothering you, you may feel like getting it over with right away and as a result, become impatient. Finding the right time to talk about something is as important as talking about the issue itself. Waiting till you’re in the same place with your partner and both of you can give each other full attention can make all the difference.
Be Honest with Each Other; honest communication is key to communicating effectively. Expressing your feelings openly allows you to release whatever tension you may have in your mind over the issue.
Check Your Body Language; body language says a lot in communication. Remember communication is not only verbal. Make eye contact and be sure to listen not only with your ears, but with your whole body. Inclining your body towards the person speaking to you for example, allows your significant other feel like they have your full attention.
Observe the 48 Hour Rule; waiting often reveals the true nature of our emotions. Sometimes they’re not strong enough to last the wait so we let them pass. Other times they’re so deep, we may have to talk about it. I will recommend you wait 48 hours before bringing it up. If it dies off, then you may choose to let it go. But if it lingers, then you should talk about it with your significant other but only after you have waited. This rule however doesn’t apply where it’s an emergency like a threat to health or life.
Don’t Attack; often times when emotions are heightened, there’s the temptation to attack your partner only to later regret and apologize. You may come across as mean and unkind. To avoid this, express your feelings in a way that express your positive desires like “I would appreciate it if you…” or “I think we can work on…”
Listen; listening is really tough when we feel like we need to let something off our chest. But we must never forget that communication is still a two-way street. Even as you want to be heard, you must give your partner a fair hearing as well by listening.
Be Clear about What You Want; if you go into a conversation without having a clear idea about what you want to say, it can be frustrating for both you and your partner. So, before you start the conversation at all, do a mental check and be sure that you’re precise about what you desire and communicate it accordingly. Things would go smoother that way.
Have an Open Mind; if you go into a conversation with a preconceived notion, you will also already have your response premeditated. This will block whatever effort your partner is making at getting their thoughts and feelings across to you. It is important to ensure that your mind stays open to understand your partner and eventually be able to give the right kind of feedback.
Don’t Stress About it; having talked about this so much, you may become a little agitated about it especially if you see that you have made mistakes in these areas before now. But don’t invest valuable time worrying about. Give your attention to improving. Stressing about it will only make it worse.
Talk face to face; in these days of technology-based communication, it is very easy to misinterpret conversations. The best way is to talk face to face. It allows you to ensure that nothing is misunderstood.
Exercise 1- Hearing vs Listening
Exercise 2 – Definition
Let’s look at the following definitions of listening when it pertains to communicating with your significant other;
As you listen to your partner, you need to pay heed to what he or she is saying. It requires tuning into the right frequency. When you have moved from merely hearing what was said by your partner to actually hearing their feelings, desires and expectations, you have moved to listening.
Exercise 3 – Motives for Listening
Exercise 4 – Benefits of Listening
Exercise 5 – Barriers to Listening
In order for sensitive listening to occur, we need to be aware of some of the common obstacles to communication. They include;
A man will use this response only when he’s agreeing with what his partner is saying. You can imagine what the outcome could be. A husband interprets his wife’s listening responses as signs that she agrees with him, but later on discovers that she wasn’t agreeing with him at all. He didn’t realize she was simply indicating her interest in what he was saying and in keeping the interchange going. His wife on the other hand, may feel ignored and disappointed because he doesn’t make the same listening responses she does. She interprets his quietness as not caring.
A man is more likely than a woman to make comments throughout the conversation. But a woman may feel bothered after she’s been interrupted or hasn’t been given any listening feedback.
This contrast between the listening and talking styles of men and women is an indicator of why misunderstandings arise. A wife might easily perceive her husband as uninterested or unresponsive. That may not be the case as it may just be his way of responding to everyone, not just to her.
Understanding and accepting these differences can help you accept your partner’s style without taking offense. It will enhance your communication to adapt and even use your partner’s style in order to bridge the differences.
Making your partner more comfortable by adopting their own style is an act of love that will not go unacknowledged.
Exercise 6 – Overcoming Obstacles to Listening
If you are going to communicate effectively with your spouse you must first overcome the obstacles to your listening.
The first step to overcoming an obstacle is to identify it. When this happens, it eases your ability to apply practical solutions to surmounting it.
However, here are a few general steps that you will find helpful.
Exercise 1- Pitfalls to Avoid in Communication
Exercise 1- Communicating to a Man
There are Four (4) basic recommendations for women who want to communicate and connect with men: The following sections contain four strategies for women who want men to hear them. If you practice one of these strategies each week, you’ll quickly alter the way others perceive you. The prerequisite is to start listening to yourself. Awareness is the first step to any behavioural change. Accept and grow, or be left in the dust.
Women tend to be more apologetic or contrite than men. Even confident women sometimes unsuspectingly use power-robbing devices in their speech. If you have something to say, don’t apologize for saying it. Here are some specific kinds of apologies:
“I kind of think that…” “We probably should really…”
“It seems like a fairly good way to…” “Kind of/sort of…”
“You maybe need to…” These phrases don’t just contain extra words, they contain unsure and indecisive words.
For women, talk is relationships. Men use talk to exchange information. Men and women bond differently. Men bond through competitive mind games with their knowledge banks. Women bond through stories. They talk to build a relationship. Women generally use more details in their conversations than men. The information you want the male listener to hear may be lost in all the details. Watch for signs that a male listener is glazing over, and cut down on the number of words immediately. In fact, tell men right at the start how long the story will take and stay within the allotted time. Men feel they are responsible for the energy they allot to a certain activity. So, they feel they need to “set their energy clocks,” so they don’t run out of energy. Running out of energy make them feel out of control – a feeling they hate.
Crying or other emotional displays in a discussion can be very distracting. Men have been socialized to be less emotionally demonstrative. Women cry four times more frequently than men, according to a Minnesota-based study research. Crying also annoys and angers people who have shut off their own feeling. If they don’t want to deal with their own feelings, they don’t want to deal with anyone else’s. Men may feel a woman who cries is being manipulative.
Exercise 2- Communicating to a Woman
There are Five (5) basic recommendations for improving how you communicate and connect with a woman: Men, start with these tips:
Do not be one of these guys-
Exercise 1- Introduction
Exercise 2- Cholerics
Exercise 3 – Sanguines
Exercise 4 – Phlegmatics
Exercise 5 – Melancholics