MODULE 1 – Introduction to Parenting
– Why we need to Prepare for Parenting
–Tips on Preparation for Parenting
-Types of Preparation Needed for Parenting
– Financial Preparation
– Development Preparation
– Emotional Preparation
– Social Preparation
– Physiological Preparation
– Hitches in Relationship with Partner
– Intellectual Preparation
MODULE 2- Introduction to Parenting Intentionally
Exercise 1- Parenting intentionally
Exercise 2 – Parenting must be strategic
Exercise 3 – You must Develop Capacity
Exercise 4 – Don’t Miss any Stage of their Development
Exercise 5 – Get them a Mentor
Exercise 6 – Avoid Role Stereotypes
Exercise 7 – Model Good Behavior
Exercise 8 – Parenting Must be Value-Driven
Exercise 9 – Avoid unnecessary fretting
Exercise 10 – Don’t just Prepare, Develop
Exercise 11 – Stay Out of Their Problems
Exercise 1 – Types of Parenting Styles
– Authoritarian Parenting Style
– Permissive Parenting Style
– Uninvolved Parenting Style
– Authoritative Parenting Style
The truth is, parenting is very important. In as much as it entails a lot of commitment and sacrifice, it is always worth it at the end. This process is an essential to the society because, you are promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of your child from infancy to adulthood. A parent must have all the minutiae of raising a child. As a parent you are meant to be a role model to your kids by teaching them on how to be. your choices indicate what is important. Your attention to them gives them value
Why we need to prepare for Parenting
Preparing financially, mentally, physically and emotionally during pregnancy can reduce the risk of mood disorders (like postpartum anxiety and depression) and ease the transition to parenthood.
There’s a shift in identity that comes with becoming a parent and letting go of your social life for a while. When you prepare ahead it can help you immensely with this monumental life change.
It will help you know that every parent is different, there are many commonalities between parenting styles, you would be able to identify your style of parenting before time and where you might fit on the spectrum.
It will help you realize the great variation on how to raise your children. At the same time, there are many commonalities from one parent to another.
Your parenting style refers to the combination of strategies that you use to raise your children. The work of Diane Baumrind in the 1960s created one commonly-referenced categorization of parenting styles. The four Baumrind parenting styles have distinct names and characteristics
It’s helpful to understand that the reality of early parenthood isn’t as rosy as one might think. It will help you lower both your standards and your expectations.
It will help you face the reality that a lot of expectant parents feel ambivalent or overwhelmed.
It is good you that. A baby changes everything and your life will not be the same after the baby arrives, you may lose your ability to get restful sleep. So, it’s good you are prepared
Tips on Preparation for Parenting
Here are tips that will successfully prepare you for childrearing.
First of all. You must first agree to become a parent and then acknowledge the style of parenting style that best suits you and seems appropriate to you.
Know that your children will have societal pressures placed on them, different from what you went through during those stages. Norms change. How do they “stack up” physically, intellectually, socially, athletically? How accepted are they? How do they perform in school? To what groups are they connected? All their own experiences.
Listen to your kids and encourage them to go for their desires so long as it is not hurtful to themselves or others. Your support validates their ideas, self-trust and confidence. There are a few “non-negotiables” that parents need to impose, relating to safety, health, schooling and respect for others.
Avail yourself for personal growth – Parenthood provides the opportunity to guide, teach and pass on values to the next generation.
Types of Preparation Needed for Parenting
There are types of preparations that should be carried out before children comes and these are intricacies for Child rearing:
Exercise 1- Introduction
Parenting is one of the most important subjects that every single and married adult must take with seriousness. Unfortunately, parenting is largely seen as a default activity. People marry and the natural expectation is that a baby should arrive in 9 months. Sex is seen by couples as both for pleasure and for procreation. Concerning the latter, they concentrate on the act of procreation and not the rationale for procreation. The result is that the emphasis fastens on parenthood, and not parenting.
Exercise 2 – Parenting must be strategic
Exercise 3 – You must Develop Capacity
Exercise 4 – Don’t Miss any Stage of their Development
Exercise 5 – Get them a Mentor
Exercise 6 – Avoid Role Stereotypes
Exercise 7 – Model Good Behavior
Exercise 8 – Parenting Must be Value-Driven
Exercise 9 – Avoid unnecessary fretting
Exercise 10 – Don’t just Prepare, Develop
Exercise 11 – Stay Out of Their Problems
Parenting styles refer to our pattern, model and format, for parenting. It is (what I call) our parenting denomination. Why Styles of Parenting? Firstly, it is important to study it because it determines how we eventually nurture our children, and nurture, is a significant factor in child upbringing. It eventually determines a lot in our marriage, ultimately
Exercise 1 – Types of Parenting Styles