Course Objective:
Exercise 1- Definition
Exercise 2 – Benefits of intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Experiential Intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Aesthetic Intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Intellectual Intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Physical Intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Spiritual Intimacy
Exercise 1 – Benefits of Emotional Intimacy
Exercise 1- Why Do People Enter into Unhealthy Relationships?
Exercise 2- How to Get Out of an Unhealthy Relationship
Exercise 1 – The five-love language in marriage
Exercise 2 – Words of Affirmation
Exercise 3 – Quality Time
Exercise 4 – Receiving Gifts
Exercise 5 – Acts of Service
Exercise 6 – Physical Touch
Exercise 7 – Understanding time apart in Intimacy
Intimacy in marriage and relationships in general is the oil on which the engine runs. Without it, no relationship can stand and if it runs dry, the vehicle of the relationship will come to a grinding halt. However, very few understand this and even fewer are able to navigate the often-complicated terrain of building and sustaining intimacy with their partner.
It is often assumed that intimacy automatically occurs between married partners. But we see too many ‘strangers’ in the marriage relationship. Intimacy in marriage is not automatic. This course explores how couples can create and maintain intimacy by building awareness that can foster deep friendship.
Exercise 1- Definition
Exercise 2 – Benefits of intimacy
General benefits of Intimacy
Describe how you plan to increase intimacy in your relationship
Types of Intimacy
Benefits Experiential Intimacy
Benefits of Aesthetic Intimacy
Benefits of Intellectual Intimacy
Intellectual commitment is a lot bigger than any form of physical commitment. While Physical intimacy has its climaxes, and down turns, intellectual intimacy may only rise if both parties continue to enjoy the other person’s mindset and dialogue.
It is through intellectual intimacy a couple becomes friends and bond outside of a physical or sexual connection.
It improves attitudes in a relationship. There is an old saying that “attitude determines aptitude”. People usually are attracted to and bond with others who have the same attitude as they do. If you have a positive attitude or desire one, then you will be attracted to someone who has a positive attitude. If you are a negative person, you will be attracted to people with negative attitudes.
Couples will find each other interesting and intellectually stimulating especially if you have a degree in the same field or share a hobby. Every love song started with a story. Every business started with an idea. There is always an interest that starts an intimate relationship.
Couples with intellectual intimacy connect with each other because they enjoy talking with each other and spending time together. One person’s idea of fun may not be another’s but in order to enjoy each other’s company, there is some activity that the both of you enjoy. People bond over finding someone to have fun and hang out with because there is so much negativity in the world.
If two partners work on a stressful job and share experiences that others would not understand? E.g. Agriculture workers, local government workers, doctors, police officers, truck drivers, military personnel, and lawyers have a high degree of marriages among their occupations.
Intellectual intimacy supports friendships and relationships in addition to a sexual relationship but an intellectual intimate connection can maintain a relationship on its own merit. Most intellectual intimate attributes that cause better communication in a romantic relationship are many: fun, attitude, interesting, supportive, loyalty and core values among a few.
Benefits of Physical Intimacy
Some of these benefits include
Love Articulated- Physical intimacy is one of the prime ways by which partners are able to express their love for each other. Time spent together in privacy can be very thrilling and exciting which makes it a very powerful way of showing your spouse that you love him or her. This interaction releases oxytocin and dopamine the hormone and neurotransmitter respectively that are responsible for feeling closer to your partner, trust, and happiness. A marriage relationship is threatened to fail when it lacks sexual satisfaction.
Physical Intimacy De-stresses the Couple- Sharing physical intimacy with your spouse is known to relieve stress in the brain and lower blood pressure, hence making you rest better. This is beyond sex. Studies show that acts like hugging or hand-holding can trigger the release of oxytocin. This triggers the pleasure centres of the brain which lower feelings of anxiety. This can be quite therapeutic.
An Intercourse Bigger than Sex- Beyond sexual intercourse (which is just one aspect of intercourse between couples), physical intimacy with your partner allows for a sharing of personal closeness which can help in promoting the already existent chemistry between you both. This causes excitement and further strengthens the bond that you share.
Ensures Gratification in Relationship – Physical touch is such an important aspect of companionship that relationship satisfaction is largely unachievable without it. Couples who are physically intimate experience a higher rate of satisfaction in the relationship because it makes them feel cared about by each other.
Helps Establish Trust- Oxytocin, a hormone that is released when couples are intimate, enhances trust and a stronger sense of companionship between them. Trust is a huge part of relationships. Where there is trust, people are better able to express themselves freely without suspicion of third-party interference in the relationship. This engenders openness, honesty, and greater vulnerability. These are vital to experiencing bliss in relationships. This also impacts upon their social interactions in general.
Takes Affection Beyond the Bedroom- Most people think that intimacy in the bedroom ends there. But on the contrary, bedroom intimacy leads to more couple connection outside of it. This helps couples to build such a strong connection that even when they are among other people, they still feel connected. Again, try to avoid limiting your thoughts to actual sexual intercourse. Simple acts like holding hands, exchanging banters, cuddling, walking arm in arm, and being physically playful, contributes significantly to creating this connection. Positive memories are built and the desire for more of those memories is heightened and sustained ultimately keeping couples closer and more affectionate with each other even in other aspects of life.
Immunity Booster- It is important to connect all these dots. Like I have already said repeatedly, oxytocin only contributes to trust, but also makes people more rested mentally and physically which obviously has effects on the immune system. Physical intimacy with your partner will raise the antibodies in your immune system increasing your chances of withstanding opportunistic illnesses caused by viruses and germs.
Raises Morale- Because physical intimacy boosts dopamine, it makes you feel happier. This has implications on confidence and enthusiasm for life. The affection that accompanies this experience of physical intimacy actually gives morale a boost.
Healthy for Both- From the benefits stated above, it is obvious that physical intimacy has great health benefits associated with it. For example, it is proven that regular sex can lower a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Being physically intimate without sex also has its benefits. When couples cuddle themselves in the bed, their sleep is enhanced. Oxytocin is also reputed to relieve pain and headaches.
Rejuvenates the Youth in You- Couples who have sex regularly have been known to look younger. This is due to the oestrogen and testosterone released during sex which gives the body a young healthy glow.
Physical intimacy is much more than sex though it may include it. It is a platform for deep emotional connection which builds trust, boosts morale, and has many other benefits.
Benefits of Spiritual Intimacy
The more couples have spiritual intimacy, the less critical or hostile both will act. More spiritual intimacy in marriage will help both wives and husbands exhibit more warmth, humour, and love toward their spouse during marital interactions
Value is a benefit in spiritual intimacy. When you have spiritual intimacy with your spouse, you value the purpose for your spouse’s life and the dreams of their heart. A good marriage happens when two people join together to help each other fulfil the purpose of their lives. When you value each other spiritually, you help your spouse reach their spiritual potential.
You become truly sacrificial. Sacrifice is essential to spiritual intimacy. The act of sacrificing the desire to only promote yourself or worry about yourself. In other words, you give of yourself on behalf of the other. Both men and women have a natural selfishness, we will only care about ourselves. Spiritual intimacy will not occur unless we both put our own needs behind meeting the needs of our spouse. The ideal marriage is two servants in love.
In spiritual intimacy, trust is being built. This means creating the atmosphere where you can share your deepest spiritual desires and dreams—and so can your spouse. Once you’ve shared your dreams, your spouse must honour them, respect them, and treat them carefully. Research has shown that the deepest fights in a relationship occur on a “dream level”—what our hearts long for, the most.
Spiritual intimacy strongly encourages feelings of love toward each other in marriage. It enhances better communication skills in daily life at home, and greater satisfaction with the marriage across the transition to parenthood. Although stable characteristics of your spouse, such as personality traits, income, education can affect the benefits of spiritual intimacy.
Greater spiritual intimacy by wives and husbands predicts better marital functioning for both husbands and wives, greater spiritual intimacy is tied to Greater warmth, humour, and love for one’s spouse, less negativity and hostility toward spouse and greater satisfaction with the marriage
Couples who have a deep spiritual connection with each other are more motivated to remain kind and resist the urge to “go negative” when they discuss their core conflicts. In other words, couples may need a deep reason, like maintaining their level of spiritual intimacy, to remain civil and engaged when they are upset with each other. In lay person’s terms, the risk of losing your connection to your soul mate may motivate you to resist the urge to try to win a given battle when you and your partner get into difficult discussions about your core disagreements.
It brings spiritual disclosure which refers to when spouses openly discuss their spiritual journeys, questions, and doubts with one another. Understanding spiritual intimacy can be correlated with greater use of collaborative methods to resolve conflict, parenting, discussing sensitive topics with each other (e.g., politics, alcohol or drug use),
Benefits of Emotional Intimacy
Expectations are Realistic – Most couples have unrealistic expectations. At the end of the day, they find that their expectations haven’t been met and they become disappointed. Emotional intimacy allows you to establish realistic expectations. It creates space for both you and your partner to accept each other’s limitations and support each other. You will be able to better accommodate for what you aren’t receiving from the other partner. This builds an element of trust, tolerance and creativity. At the end of the day, both of you enjoy a rewarding environment whereby you know what to expect from your partner.
Respect Soars- Emotional intimacy in relationships helps you give and receive respect from your partner. Respect comes in handy when you are faced with a conflict. Lack of respect leads to a bitter exchange of harsh words with no one willing to accept their mistakes. Respect allows you to consider the other partner’s sentiments and help resolve the conflict amicably. An emotional bond helps develop respect, which is vital in resolving conflict between the two of you.
Spontaneous Fun is Activated- Forced fun is the worst form of fun that a couple can have. When fun becomes planned, it ends up being boring and lustre less. You will pretend you are having fun, yet it isn’t really that way. Emotional intimacy in relationships creates space for the two of you to do things spontaneously in a fun way. Emotional connections help you connect in a more natural way. Fun will come to you naturally and you won’t strain to enjoy each other’s company to the fullest. Both of you can let loose and have fun at any time.
True, Authentic Communication Becomes an Experience- Emotional intimacy allows you to really listen for true understanding. You will be able to listen to your partner and understand their point of view from their perspective. This creates a platform for you to communicate better and listen to each other more. A breakdown in communication is one of the reasons that marriages fall apart so quickly and easily. When you know when to listen and when to talk, you find it easier to get through to your partner. Intimacy creates a platform for real, genuine communication.
Fosters an Atmosphere of Authenticity- When you connect on an emotional level, you don’t withhold anything from your partner. You will instead have a real and realistic engagement with each other. You will have a relationship based on true feelings rather than pretence at all times; an atmosphere of authenticity is created in your relationship.
Boosts Your Physical Health- Stress is one of the reasons that people have poor health. When you are happy with your relationship, your body releases oxytocin, which improves your mood. A happy existence promotes bonding and solidifies your relationship. This also boosts optimal health. Emotional intimacy in relationships prevents suspicion, jealousy and a heart for revenge. You will enjoy health benefits of balanced energy, stamina, healthy libido and healthy sleeping patterns. Better sleeping promotes good health.
These are the red flags you should pay attention to in an unhealthy relationship:
Most times, couples in a fantasy bond, may start to use their daily routines to indicate closeness, rather than engaging in spontaneous acts of warmth and attraction. These couples tend to fool themselves that they are in a healthy relationship, because they participate in the form of sharing life. For example, when some couples are asked “if they are in love with their partner?” … they will reply, “We may not love each other, but we are loyal.”
Exercise 1- Why Do People Enter into Unhealthy Relationships?
Too often, we allow a fantasy mode of relating to replace our real feelings of love. Why do we do this? For one thing, many of us have inherent fears of true intimacy. Being vulnerable to someone leaves us feeling vulnerable to the world. We become more aware of the fragility of life, the pain of loss and death. Falling in love as an adult indicates cutting ties with our past, giving up connections to our childhood or to our parents. These connections may not be healthy, but they allowed us to feel protected from the reality of time passing and facing certain painful aspects of life. When fears arise in our relationships, without realizing it, we often give up our feelings of love in favour of a fantasy of connection to our partner.
In order to stay connected to our past, we may choose partners who fit in with our defences, who replicate destructive patterns from our childhood. For example, if we had a passive parent who frequently ignored us, we may choose a partner who is dismissive or self-centred. We may form a dysfunctional relationship, in which we feel similar ways we did as a child, hungry for attention, deprived or rejected. By getting to know ourselves, our past and our patterns, we can come to understand why and how we wind up in unhealthy relationships. We can learn to have compassion for ourselves, as we understand our choices and consciously decide how to break from destructive relationship patterns.
Unhealthy relationships will give us an illusion of satisfaction and fulfilment in false ideas of comfort. But like a mirage, the more we seek them, the more elusive they become and the more miserable we become for setting our hearts on something that continues to appear unattainable.
Exercise 2- How to Get Out of an Unhealthy Relationship
Exercise 1 – The five-love language in marriage
Since you may be speaking what you need, you can discover your own love language by asking yourself these questions:
There are five (5) generally accepted LOVE LANGUAGES.
These 5 Languages of Love are:
Exercise 2 – Words of Affirmation
These are individuals who receive love through words of affirmation.
Exercise 3 – Quality Time
Quality Time
This implies giving your partner your undivided attention.
NB: While words of affirmation focuses on what you are SAYING, quality time focuses on what you are HEARING.
Tips for quality conversation
Exercise 4 – Receiving Gifts
These are individuals who receive love through receiving gifts.
gifts are tangible and intangible symbols of love.
Exercise 5 – Acts of Service
These are individuals who receive love through acts of service.
this involves taking practical steps to do things for or with your partner.
all acts of service require thoughtful planning, efforts, time and energy.
Exercise 6 – Physical Touch
These are individuals who RECEIVE LOVE through PHYSICAL TOUCH.
This involves the use of our hands to strengthen the bonds in a relationship.
Exercise 7 – Understanding time apart in Intimacy
It is true that not all forms of intimacy can be achieved. For example, there are instances where sexual intimacy cannot be achieved due to an ailment or accident suffered by a partner. Now, in such circumstance lack of sexual intimacy makes the flow of physical intimacy milder but that doesn’t hinder other forms of Physical intimacy to be practised (spending quality time together, holding hands, touching etc.)
It is important that every couple should not have unrealistic expectations in their marriage. However, not expecting enough from your union is problematic too as you’re probably not as happy as you could be. So that means it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you tie the knot. But it is always real, redeeming, and beautiful when your marriage is free from too much expectations. The followings will help encourage you
Because, when you try to change people, they often remain the same, but when you don’t try to change them – when you support them and allow them the freedom to be as they are – they gradually change in the most beautiful way. You have to be pragmatic